Wednesday, August 18, 2010

New Cocktail Time

Yes, it's been over a week since our last cocktail time, but do not fear- one is on the way! Liz and I just returned from a week long trip to Buffalo, Syracuse and everything in between. We devoured Duff's buffalo wings, delighted in Dinosaur Bar-B-Q and lapped up the culture, sights and gorgeous weather, but we are back and ready to torture ourselves with more of Aunt Sandy's super simple, flavorful russsipies. And...there is a condensed soup in our near future.

In other news our friend Joey requested to host a Mexican-themed Cocktail Time Semi-Edible party! And since we all know that Aunt Sandy's favorite cuisine is Mexican this should be exciting (and potentially dangerous to our stomachs). He plans to recreate the South of the Border episode featuring not only "mouthwatering Mexican dishes" such as Mexican Pizza and Lime Cheesecakes (not even near Mexican), but also Boracho Beans, Margarita Chicken and Cosmoritas (so we can be really drunk too!). So look forward to a great review of this party.

I have an added note to the Carrot Coconut Muffins made at the last cocktail time: as it turns out the batch of 12 muffins was not a total waste. After baking them, I left them on my kitchen counter and went out for the evening. The next day I returned home to find a couple of the muffins had mysteriously vanished. As it turns out my roommate's boyfriend came home from the bars and needed a quick snack...and he found these muffins deeeelishous (which I am guessing was because he was drunk)! Perhaps this is the way to eat all of Aunt Sandy's horrible treats, because I do imagine this is exactly the way Sandy herself would taste them. You have to be so drunk and so starving that anything would taste good on an alcohol-soaked palate. Thank you Josh for this revelation!

In the meantime, enjoy this Halloween clip of Aunt Sandy dressed as Cher. I really hope when she returns to FoodNetwork this fall that she also brings back the costumes. They were priceless:


  1. So... Has the Semi-Edible project come to an end? That would suck BIG time because I genuinely have a lot of fun reading this blog!

  2. yeah, forget about lawyering! give us more semi-edibles!

  3. The first week of school has been a little nuts for the both of us. But, Liz and I made some super simple russipies, but have yet to write about them. I will get to work on a post asap!

  4. Yes, Aunt Sandy's SODALISHUS suuppr smmpl russipeez are best enjoyed while WASTED DRUNK! That way, one can truly appreciate the (lack of good) FLAVERRRZ in every bite! ;-)



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